Celebrating Aging


“Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.”

– Betty Friedan

Sometimes we struggle to recognize the beauty and wisdom that comes with age. In reality, there are so many reasons to embrace your “golden years” – and beyond. Aging is inevitable – so let’s celebrate it!

Here are our favourite ways to embrace some of the positive aspects of aging:

With Age Comes Wisdom – and more free time!
As we get older we realize that some things are worth making time for:

  • Go out to lunch with family or friends – bonus points if you can laugh together about your aches and pains and the inevitable physical changes that come along with aging.
  • Spend time with children – they can learn so much from you and they might teach you a few things too!
  • The great outdoors: not only is fresh air and sunshine good for the soul, it also contributes to your overall mental and physical health. Bundle up and enjoy those beautiful fall colours!
  • Join community groups or find a local seniors community centre. Here in Montreal, one of our favourites is the Cummings Centre – but there are so many out there! A quick online search will have you on your way to connecting with like-minded seniors in your area.

So forget the anti-aging serum, forget trying to cover up those wrinkles or avoiding activities because you feel “too old”. Use that wisdom to know your limitations but don’t be afraid to try new things! The world is full of examples of people accepting and thriving in their later years.

Still not sure how you feel about this getting older business?

Tune into CJAD 800AM this coming Sunday, October 29th at 4:35pm when BethCare’s own Beth Cytryn joins Matt Del Vecchio for a conversation about societal perspectives on aging and how you can embrace some of the more positive aspects of getting older!

For more information about BethCare and its services, please refer to our website.

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